This is a pretty vintage Scottish paperweight. It is made by Vasart Glass and dates to around the 1950s.
It is a nice display size, being 2 1/4 inches in height and with a diameter at the widest point of about 2 3/4 inches.
The ground is an attractive lilac-grey shade. It has a total of nine latticino spokes. This weight has central rosette. This is surrounded by a ring made of green and white canes. Sadly, one wee cane seems to be missing from the design, and instead of six making up the rosette - there are only five. I have taken this into account with my pricing. The outer ring is a lime green and emerald colour.
There are two millefiori canes in each section between the thick white latticino ribbon spokes. The millefiori canes are larger than usual and are splayed to fit the space. They are lilac and aqua green. There is a rough pontil mark on the base - typical of 50s Vasart paperweights.
The dome has more of a grey tinge to the glass - and not as clear in tone as you would find in later Scottish weights.
It is in good condition with no chips or cracks - a very attractive Scottish paperweight.
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