This is one a small series of extremely rare Edwardian magazines which relate to the history and process of artistic lithographic printing in Britain.
I have looked everywhere for other copies of this interesting publication without success - including specialist book dealers sites.
This one is Volume 1 No. 9 and it was published in Sept 1905 (at 119 - 125 Finsbury Pavement, London).
The cover is lithographically printed and is generic to all the issues - but printed in different colours.
This volume has lots of specialist advertisements relating to the lithographer's art and skills.
We have articles on the following subjects: Colour and the Colour Circle; Practical LIthographic Machine Management; The Uses of Photography in Lithography; The Lithographic Stone of Solnhofen; Lithographic Roller Cleaners; Technical Questions and Answers: Aluminium Technics, Planography, Monthly Causerie; Trichromy and Quadrichromy, An Everyday Difficulty: A Question of Originals; etc.
The lovely original 1905 lithograph is intact and in good condition. It shows a beautiful Art Nouveau Lady - which has been reproduced and lithographed by Delittle Fenwick & Co., York - by their Photo Gran Process. The ink was supplied for this print by Gittings Hills & Boothby, Birmingham and the paper by Strong, Hanbury & Co., Ltd.
The publication is softbound with printed paper cover - and stapled. Considering it is over 100 years old. It is in remarkable condition- only some slight rust marks from the staples - you won't find another like it.
Dimensions: 27.5 x 22 cm.
This is probably a volume for a specialist art library or specialist researcher or art collector - a very fair price - given that it has such an attractive original lithograph bound into the issue.