This is a vintage slip-case terracotta pottery figurine - it is made in Russia by the Tekt company (as annotated on the label).
Further research shows that it was made in Estonia region when it was still annexed as part of Russia. It was made by Tallinna Ehituskeraamika Tehas (TEKT, 1956-1991). Estonia regained independence from Russia in August 1990.
The Tekt company began as a brick factory in 1949, and then moved onto making ceramic tiles and art pottery items.
It closed in 1991. These decorative figurines in brown clay were part of a series called "ARS".
This portrait head of a young Estonian girl is very stylised and being made in Estonia, she has a bit of a Scandinavian feel to her. She is without damages - and in excellent condition.
These vintage Russian / Estonian figurines are now getting harder to find and are getting very collectable. Listing my lovely lady at a very fair price.
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